Jewel Academy – New levels and Badges arrive September 22! Here’s what’s included:.Snowbird Solitaire – 25 new levels will be added to the Docks area in September.Speaking of Sweet Tooth Town, have you seen the new video yet?! Look out for 30 new levels and two new Badges! You can also read more herea bout the recent changes to the games economy. Sweet Tooth Town – New content is available today and includes the new Tier 4 for the Ice Cream Shop.A new Badge Marathon starts on 9/23, focusing on one game.The new Vintage Produce Sign Badge Collection was released yesterday.The Summer Vacation Challenge Quest continues through September 22.The Age of Octavius Constellationstarted today and runs through November 6.Scheduled for release in 2020: the brand-new Pogo Mini-Golf and Dice City Roller HD ! We’ll be announcing even more games soon.Anything else that is reported is speculation right now. All games and updates reported here in the Construction Zone have been given the “go ahead” and are on track to come out. Please understand that unless an announcement comes directly from EA and/or Pogo, we cannot endorse it as true. Please understand updates are subject to change. I will always post more details when I have them available. What is currently “under construction” on Pogo? As often as I can, I’ll sit down with the Pogo team and get the latest info on which games are being worked on and what’s coming. Welcome to the Construction Zone! Here is where you will find the latest on game updates.

There’s much more on the way so let’s get started. How has your week been going? I hope you’re having a great time with the Summer Vacation Challenge Quest. 09/08 - Blog Post #139: Construction Zone